Is Facebook Better Than LinkedIn For B2B Marketing?
Whenever you talk about B2B marketing and social media, the first thing that comes to mind is LinkedIn. It makes sense as LinkedIn provides detailed information from a business standpoint, allowing you to contact people based on their job title and what company they work for. You can even send them content in different ways including banner ads and direct messages. It’s a great platform that is used by businesses focused on B2B marketing and it’s been the leader in this area for years.
But is it the best one to use?
That question would have been easier to answer a couple of years ago but two things have changed since then, the first is that LinkedIn cost per impression and click has gone up and the second is that Facebook’s B2B data has improved a lot.
The changes Facebook has made over the past couple of years have been more than impressive. The strategy allows you to target people who either list their job titles or have admin access to pages that are in the industry of what you want to target. For example, if you want to target insurance agents, you now have a major network of insurance agents to target either based on the information they’ve provided Facebook or because they have admin access of a page that is built for that field or occupation. The best part, their costs for reaching these professionals is still very affordable and you can target them with ads that will appear on their personal profiles.
This doesn’t mean LinkedIn is a waste of your time or money. It’s still a good use of your marketing budget but if you are strictly focusing on B2B, you may want to consider diversifying a bit more because you now have access to the same group of people on multiple platforms.
Running a test on both with the same or similar content can be a great way to see which platform works best for you and gets better engagement from the targeted audience. Both sites also have similar guidelines for their marketing content so you do not have to come up with two completely different sets of ads or offers if you want to compare campaigns.