Author - bstout723

Quick, Cost-Effective Ways To Get Traffic

We all want results and we want them now. That’s why you are looking for marketing tips on how to increase traffic and get more of a return on your investment. Perhaps you have a sale coming up and you need to get as many eyes on it as possible? Maybe you just need to start seeing your numbers go up but you do not want to break the bank to accomplish it? There are several tools you can utilize [...]

Why You Can’t Afford To Ignore Your SEO

When it comes to small business marketing, there are so many areas you have to focus on and sometimes; a few of those areas get ignored. If companies ranked the best platforms for advertising based on ROI the list would be a variation of social media, pay per click and display ads, press releases, email marketing and so on. SEO would probably not reach the top three for most businesses which is why it often gets ignored. This is a [...]

How To Market My Business On A Budget

Trying to figure out how to do some marketing on a budget is one of the biggest challenges small business owners face. You understand that you have to spend money. However, you do not have money to waste so whatever you do put your budget behind, needs to produce. It doesn’t matter if it’s social media, SEO, Google Adwords, email marketing or anything else, if you want to see results you have to spend money. Figuring out which areas [...]

Does My Business Really Need To Be On Social Media?

As a small business owner you may be on the fence as to whether you need to be on social media or not. It’s understandable, as simple as these platforms are they do take time and money, two things you cannot giveaway without careful consideration. There are some businesses that would greatly benefit from utilizing Facebook marketing as well as other platforms. However, if you feel that you are an exception to that then there are a few things [...]

Why Am I Not Getting Sales?

At the end of the day you need sales. Every small business owner understands that and they also understand that the only way to get those sales is with an aggressive marketing strategy. So if orders aren’t coming in and the phone isn’t ringing then it must be a problem with how you are advertising your business right? Actually no, often times it’s not the strategy that needs to be fixed, it’s how you execution as well as your [...]

How To Increase Your Amazon Sales

It’s no secret that if you sell products online you need to be on Amazon. The e-retailer is not only the largest in the United States, but it makes over 120 billion dollars a year in sales. With over 300 million users, which doesn’t include people who do not have accounts but use the platforms services, you cannot afford to not be on this site if you are selling products online. However, you also will have a lot of [...]

9 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Calm down! There’s plenty of time to improve your marketing strategy and you do not need to panic. Summer is a slow time for a lot of businesses and just because you are not seeing the numbers you hoped for, doesn’t mean your plans didn’t work. It’s not time to throw them out the door, it’s time to review them and see where you can make improvements. It takes 2-3 months to get an idea of what’s working so [...]

Introducing StartSend, The Best Way To Send Email

It’s hard to get ahead of the competition these days, even with email marketing. You spend years and great amounts of money building your own lists. You have giveaways, events, boost promotions and do everything you can just to collect these addresses. The reason all that effort goes into building your own list is because it allows you the ability to keep those consumers updated on new promotions and hopefully increase sales. Unfortunately, that’s what everyone else is doing [...]

8 Ways To Improve Your Email Marketing Efforts

Every business should be running an email marketing campaign. However, if you are not happy with the impact it is having it may be because you are not doing something right or simply have unrealistic expectations. How often do you open a message from someone you’ve never seen or heard of? But if you saw that name over and over again, then you’re more likely to open the message and see what it’s about. If you are new to [...]

Common Traits Of Successful Marketing Campaigns

Everyone wants the secret sauce; they want to know what to do that will make their marketing campaign better and increase ROI. Every agency knows the struggle, you have potential customers come in and spend 2-3 hours going over all the services, getting the best possible game plan on how to be success and then they get up and leave only to go and find a company that will claim to do the same things for half the price. [...]