Seeing a banner ad will never be the same. We promise.
DigDev and its partners have given the forefather of digital marketing a facelift and it means you’ll likely only see ads that catch your eye more and more.
Like everything in your life, even banner advertising is getting personal. Enjoy it!
Advertiser, client, consumer, HUMAN: you likely surf the web regularly. You visit certain sites with fervor, go on occasional shopping sprees on Amazon or eBay and in your own way, you’re a creature of habit. As a consumer, you’re wholly unique and should be communicated with as such. Advertisers, then, have to evolve with and cater to the concept of absolute uniquety in consumption patterns, and in this case, it’s finally happening. That it’s with banner ads makes it more significant because of their ubiquity.
They’re in so many places that we hardly remember. Smart advertisers will now have the chance to catch your eye — based on what you tell them through your behaviors regardless of what the site you’re visiting dictates you SHOULD take interest in.
Knowing a unique consumer’s exact behaviors means exact targeting of ads. DYNAMIC as opposed to STATIC advertising based on these behaviors means no longer paying for a “hope.” It means personal interaction.
It means starting and promoting a one to to one dialogue between advertiser and consumer.
It’s a long overdue revolution for one of the first forms of revenue generating content on the Internet. And we think you’ll welcome it wholeheartedly.
Actually, we’re pretty sure ya’ will.
Stay tuned.
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