What You Need To Do Now To Get Ready For Your Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sales!
Black Friday and Cyber Monday can be the biggest weekend of the year for some businesses as they look to get more sales in on this single weekend than they will in some months of the year. That’s a lot of pressure on anyone to produce results, especially your marketing team. There are always mistakes that are made like waiting too long to promote your business, not having enough deals to get people interested and so forth. However, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is not getting the information of your consumers or audience so that you can continue to advertise to them after the big weekend is over with.
While it’s important to avoid these mistakes, let’s take some time to look over what you should do to make this big shopping weekend a successful one for your brand:
• November 1st is the start of your season: Do not wait until a week or two before Black Friday to market to people. Let them know on the first day of the month who you are and that you are going to be offering great deals. You can even tease with coming soon promotions and so forth, but the important thing is to remember that you do not want to wait until the last minute because that’s when the consumer will be overwhelmed with ads and thanksgiving plans.
• Identify the right audience: This is always something that costs companies thousands of dollars at this time of year. Who are you sending ads to? You should be running ads via email, direct mail, banner and social media, but identifying the right audience will not only give you a higher conversion rate but will also help you to save a lot of money.
• Remember, people buy for themselves on Black Friday: Don’t focus too much on the idea of gifts when you run these promotions. Yes, there will be some things purchased as gifts for others but mostly people are buying for themselves. That’s why you can add things that will give them incentive to come back.
• Offer gift cards for big purchases: This won’t work for everyone but if you have the ability to give a $50 gift card to someone who spends over $400 with you or something like that, do it. People love free stuff, and this will get them back to your store at some point of the year and they will probably spend more than $50 during their visit.
You need to take advantage of this big shopping weekend, but it doesn’t start in November, it really starts in October with putting together a strong plan, building your marketing materials, identifying your audience and finally, launching your campaign right after Halloween. If you do it that way you are going to see success this year and that success will continue into next year as well.