Start Writing Articles On LinkedIn
If you are your own brand and you are trying to connect with people, especially in the B2B realm, then LinkedIn is the place for you to be. You can connect with people in your industry as well as people who are in the field you want to target. For example, if you are in marketing but you offer services designed for health insurance agents, you can connect and market to agents all around the country from your profile. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to reach the person directly and communicate with them in a friendly, but professional way.
Managing your LinkedIn profile comes down to understanding how the platform really works. You can start with posting every day. Mix it up, one day post informative content, the next try and post something that’s more promotional. Mix in a funny post every few days to keep things fresh and entertaining. Incorporate hashtags in your posts to expand your reach and share them to groups where people talk about something that relates to the content.
After a few months of posting and connecting, you should have at least a few hundred connections and tons of posts up. Now comes the fun part, start writing articles. LinkedIn allows you, through your personal profile, not a company page, to publish articles. These articles are valuable because it’s your content and gives your connections something to read that is informative and helpful. It also gives them a chance to learn more about you and what you can offer them.
LinkedIn articles are also a valuable tool for marketing outside of the social media platform. The reason is because Google and other search engines hold content on this site in high regard and even rank their articles on different key phrases.
As you look for new ways to connect with people, keep them updated on trending topics that are relevant in your field and more, LinkedIn is a powerful tool to use as it gives you a unique opportunity to reach beyond just those you know and actually connect with people who are in your industry. If you are not using this platform to build your networking efforts and share relevant content then you are missing out on a great opportunity that’s completely free and can help you generate short and long-term connects that will benefit you for years. Get writing and remember, you don’t have to be the best writer in the world to write something good.